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Tiger Invitational – Summit MS

Summit MS will be hosting their first NJFL on December 13th, 2014. This is a change from our normal tournaments in that it will be held on Saturday from 10am-3:30pm. Rounds begin at 11:15am and we look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible!

-Download the Tiger Invitational Here



Summit Middle School
158 Summit County Rd. 1030
Frisco, CO 80443
[Google Maps/Directions]


Saturday, 12/13 from 10:00am – 3:30pm


Duo Interpretation
Dramatic Interpretation
Humorous Interpretation
Poetry (Students must have their work in a binder)
Prose (Students must have their work in a binder)
Public Forum Debate
Impromptu (Storytelling, TV Commercial, Speaking)

Debate Topic

Resolved: The benefits of genetically modified foods outweigh the harms.

Puma Pride Invitational

The next upcoming tournament will be held at Preston Middle School, in Fort Collins, on November 7, 2014. Rounds begin at 4:00pm and awards will be held around 8:30pm. We look forward to seeing everyone there!

-Download the Puma Pride Invitational Here



Preston Middle School
4901 Corbett Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80528
[Google Maps/Directions]


Friday, 11/7 from 4:00pm – 8:30pm


Duo Interpretation
Dramatic Interpretation
Humorous Interpretation
Poetry (Students must have their work in a binder)
Prose (Students must have their work in a binder)
Public Forum Debate
Impromptu (R1/Storytelling, R2/TV Commercial, R3/Speaking)

Debate Topic

Resolved: Single-gender classrooms would improve the quality of education in American public schools.